Exploration Drilling Result: Well 35/10-12 S

July 10, 2024

Stavanger (10 July 2024).

Wellesley Petroleum AS (“Wellesley”) notes the SODIR announcement of the drilling results of Appraisal well 35/10-12 S operated by Wellesley. Drilling took place in licence PL1184 S with the COSL Promotor rig. The well was an up-dip appraisal targeting the Gnomoria Discovery made in 2018 by well 35/10-4 A and proved around 16 mmboe of recoverable resources.

Wellesley CEO Chris Elliott commented:

“We are pleased with the Gnomoria result, which adds valuable resources to the ongoing area development plans in the Fram-Toll area. Although modest in size, the discovery has favourable characteristics which we are confident will allow commercial recovery. As with Grosbeak, new subsurface ideas have enabled us to rescue stranded resources classed as “unlikely to be developed”, demonstrating the enduring potential for value creation in mature parts of the NCS.

The operation was highly efficient and we thank COSL and other service providers for an excellent performance in helping deliver a safe and cost-effective well.”



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